Tellurium Q Black 2 Power
The old version of the Black II was a good cable and indeed won awards but by comparison the old Black sounded “clumsy” compared to this new version Black II which is far more refined, on point musically and more in keeping with our research over the last 5 years. Looking very similar externally, the difference is apparent when you plug it into your system.
The Ear
“The new Tellurium Q Black Mk II represents the best that I have heard from any mains cable that retails for under £1,000. …. once you have heard it I think you will know very quickly that you cannot go back to whatever was there before, and you will be really hearing what your system can achieve.”
– Chris Kelly, The Ear.net
HiFi Review
“HIFi Review gives our Black Power cable Best Buy 2018”
– HiFi Review, Hong Kong
HiFi Review
“Using Black to replay, the sense of space is outstanding. It is wide and deep, with lots of details on soft sounds, truly atmospheric…. Black’s audio image is strongly condensed. The high vocal voice is supported with a warm tone and excellent density. It is lively, smooth and flowing”
– HiFi Review, Hong Kong
Audio Video
“The sound much more detail, but in music – more life.When connecting the source is cleaned upper range, better tools are divided. It is better to hear all the components of a symphony orchestra.”
– Nikolay Efremov, Audio Video