PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/PRE
What happens when you take a highly respected, cutting edge DAC, like our own NuWave DSD, and connect it to your power amplifier through an analog preamp? Audio nirvana.
It turns out that a great analog preamp preserves a DAC’s magic. Together, DAC and preamp form a new class of product whose sum is greater than its parts.
Stellar Gain Cell DAC. A redefined and improved NuWave DSD and a Gain Cell analog preamplifier in one chassis.
Think of the Stellar Gain Cell DAC as a complete analog control center with an exceptional performing DAC at its heart.
All the features and functions you’d ever want in a DAC are right here in Stellar. Pure DSD, asynchronous USB, Digital Lens technology, I²S to connect to our best transport, balanced throughout, analog volume control. Replace your preamplifier, your DAC—or both—and be stunned at the level of improvement when the full and rich tapestry of music surprises and delights your senses.
In the more than forty years of PS Audio’s design innovations and breakthrough products, Stellar’s groundbreaking level of performance as our gateway standalone DAC and preamplifier is unmatched for price and performance by their standalone competitors. Taken together, we’re willing to bet you’ve never heard anything quite this good at anywhere even remotely close to this price.
Link til mer informasjon: http://www.psaudio.com/stellar-gain-cell-dac/
Unit Weight 13.5 lbs
Unit Dimensions 17” x 3” x 12”
Shipping Weight 17 lbs
Shipping Dimensions 22”x 8” x 17”
Power requirements
Power Consumption 20W
Mains Power Input IEC C14
Fuses 230V T250V-1.0AH (1.0A Slow Blow)
Analog inputs
XLR 3 stereo pair
1 stereo pair
Digtial audio inputs
I2S 1 PCM (384KHz max)
DSD64 DSD128
Compatible with DirectStream Transport SACD handshake for DSD playback
Coax 2 PCM (192KHz max)
Optical 1 PCM (96KHz max)
USB PCM (384KHz max)
DSD64 (DoP) DSD128 (DoP)
Format PCM, DSD
Analog Audio Outputs
Headphones (Analog Unbalanced) 1 stereo pair
(Analog Balanced) 1 stereo pair
One 1/4" headphone connector front panel
Analog Performance
Maximum output
Sensitivity 12dB +/-0.5dB
20 Vrms
Output Impedance 100? single ended
200? balanced
Frequency Response 20Hz – 20KHz +0/- 0.25dB
10Hz – 100KHz +0.1/-3.0dB
Noise 20-20KHz <-90dBV
S/N Ratio 1KHz >110dB (max output)
Channel separation 1KHz >90dB
Input separation 1KHz >90dB
THD 1KHz < 0.025%
20-20KHz < 0.05%
Headphone performance
Output power @1% THD 300? 300mW
16? 3.25W
S/N Ratio 1kHz
Noise >95dB (max output)
THD 1Vrms out 300? <0.05%
16? <0.06%
Output impedance<4 ?
Volume Control 0-100 (1/2 and 1dB steps, 80dB total range)
Balance Control 24dB each direction in 1/2dB steps
Home Theater Mode Assignable to any analog input
Adjustable (in setup) to any level
Polarity (phase) Control Digital sources only
Filter Control 3 selectable digital filters (PCM digital sources only)
Trigger output (3.5mm 5-15VDC) 2
Remote Control Yes. Infra Red